So they shipped me out of Morrisville, one of the nicer areas in themission and dropped me right into the poorest city around, Reading!For clarification purposes it's pronounced RED-ING. So now when youall go play Monopoly you can say Reading Railroad in the correct waybecause this is the place where you find that railroad. So a littlebackground on reading, it's like the 4th biggest city in PA, so wecover a fraction of it and then the rest of our area is some farmland(like Lehighton) and some nice suburbs (like Morrisville). So it'spretty diverse. Luckily I'm still in a ward, the Reading 1st Ward, soI don't have to deal with branch problems. My new companions name isElder Fisher from Roy, Utah. He's been out 3 months.Oh man oh man so this place is full of Latinos and pretty mucheveryone speaks Spanish, it's super interesting! I guess I'll try tobrush up on my Spanish while I'm here. We have a bunch ofinvestigators who are pretty iffy because that's just how poor peopleare. We have this kid named Benneson, he's 19. He's actually part ofthis huge friend group who missionaries have been teaching from timeto time. He seems like a good kid and he seems really interested so weput him on date for July 10th.Upstairs from him is a girl named Hendy, I think she's from theDominican Republic. Missionaries have had a hard time getting incontact with her, so they have only taught her once, but we stopped byand she was home! We asked her about her Book of Mormon reading, shesaid it wasn't too good. So I asked her where she was at, expectingMaybe 1 Nephi 15, no she said Alma 6. We also found out her aunt is amember in the DR, so we had a great lesson with her and set her ondate for July 10th!The first day I got here a guy ran up to us and asked if we wereMormons. Then he asked what made us different so I talked to him aboutprophets and the Book of Mormon and he asked if he could meet with us!We've had two lessons with D'Anthony and I'm not going to lie he issuper weird, but he's loving everything and says the Book of Mormonhas been helping him out so much!We have this other guy named Jason, who thinks he's a gangster buthe's super white, it's funny to hear him talk! Reminds me of my nonhood investigators back in Morrisville.We are super blessed though because we are teaching this dope guynamed Paul, he's our ward mission leaders friend. Now both of them arefrom a country right by Liberia so I'm stoked to be teaching moreAfricans! Paul had a date to be baptized this Saturday, but there'sstill a ton to be taught, so we pushed him back to June 11th, but he'ssuper ready!So it's nice because we have a good amount people to work with, butI'm still weary of it because of the commitment level of the peoplehere. This zone has the lowest amount of baptisms this year so I'mhoping to change that, at least with my district. I live in a house ina good nice part of the area so I'll attach my address so you can allsend me letters and packages and food! I feel so blessed to be outhere serving a mission. Especially being out 9 months. When Iintroduce myself no one ever says "oh your a young one!" Or "you stillneed someone to show you along the way!" I've been blessed with greatcompanions the past few months who have taught me a lot, especiallyElder Mackay, and I've really learned so much and grown to where Ihave confidence in teaching people and missionaries about the Savior.I love you all and I hope you have a great week!1) my boy Phoenix! He's officially a member now!2) my favorite people, George and Elder Mackay3) the new district! As you can see Elder Martinez is somehow still myzone leader. That makes all 9 months of my mission with him! And hisboy Elder Laine is back with us!4) I found my love once again
May 16, 2016
What a busy week it was! We taught some sweet lessons and picked up anew gator named James! Pretty sure he's from Ghana, one of thosereally spiritual foreign guys! We got to teach Steve this week, theguy the sisters handed over to us, and man is he solid! He is on datefor June 5th, which I feel he's ready for, but logistically heprobably won't be able to be baptized then with all the stuff we stillhave to teach him! A sweet miracle we saw this week came by teachingthe Rosa's daughter Asiye. She's turning 8 in June and while we justgot told we shouldn't be teaching the kids of member families, wedecided we still needed to because a) we promised them we would and b)they are so new to the gospel that she wasn't raised up knowing any ofthis and c) we teach Jennifer while we are there too so it's not awaste of our time. So we showed up to teach her and there was a ladynamed Sarah there, she's an aid for the kids because they are allhomeschooled. So as we were teaching Asiye she started askingquestions and finally we just pulled her into the lesson and invitedher to pray about the Book of Mormon! She was way stoked when we gaveher a copy, and she said she would read it with Asiye! What a blessingit was!The big crazy thing this week was we got asked by some of my favoritepeople, the Pray's, to come help clean their new house. So I finallygot to spend some time in the nice part of the ward! It's an awesomebig house, but it's pretty old style and it wasn't cleaned too wellover the years. We had a really fun time cleaning windows and floors,cracking jokes, eating pizza and tearing apart the kitchen! They wereso thankful that they are taking us to a Brazilian restaurant tonight!But the renovation doesn't stop there! Ashley bought a new trailerthat needed the carpet removed, so who does she enlist to help? Us ofcourse! So we tore up all the carpet, but it doesn't stop there! Thenext day we went with Corbin and Brother Massimini to install newcarpet! They both have experience with carpet so we were prettycovered. We ran into like 8 roadblocks during the day but we weresuccessful in laying down one room and the rest of it will be finishedthis week. We used our members AND our investigators wisely! But itdoesn't stop there! We also got asked to move some boxes at theDaniel's new home. Now remember a few months ago how they told us theyneeded more room than their massive house because it was getting tootight? Well they definitely got more room! This house was absolutelyinsane! Probably the most roomy house I've ever been in! The basementwas unfinished and you could easily fit an entire chapel in there!(missionary terminology eh?)So while we did some great service this week we are stoked becauseCarla and Phoenix will be getting baptized this week! They are both soexcited and doing so well! I've seen them the whole way through andI'm so stoked for them! Sadly I won't be able to see them be baptizedbecause I found out I'm getting transferred out of Morrisvilletomorrow. I was extremely disappointed when I found out, so was ElderMackay, but I just had to keep singing in my head "I'll go where youwant me to go dear Lord". I've never been so angry to being so contentin just a day. It's a blessing how much church can calm someone down.I'll miss this place so much, a few tears were shed having to saygoodbye to people but I guess I'm needed somewhere else and I gotcalled to be a district leader in a district full of elders. Starkcontrast from the sistrict I've been in the past 5 months, but I guessI will do all that I can to be of help to those in the district and mynew area. So I'll be writing from somewhere new next week! So don'tsend anything to this address, either wait a week or send it to themission home. I hope you all have a great week!a) the carpet slayingb) my boy Corbin, gonna miss this guyc) the Rosa gang! Gonna miss em a ton too!d) district
It's always a good week when it starts off with a nice birthday mealfor your companion at Buffalo Wild Wings! We had a good week, while wemay have had some unfortunate moments such as no young men, nor theirleaders, showing up to go on splits with us and having to cancel anappointment, however we taught some fun lessons and we have a lot ofpeople here in the Morrisville Ward getting ready for baptism.One of our investigators we haven't seen in a while, Orin, invited usover for dinner this week. It's always a blast because he saysoutrageous things and makes fun of his friend Michelle while she cooksus food! Towards the end we shared the Mormon message about a bishopin England talking about what the Book of Mormon means to him, andsomehow shifted into Orin wanting to come to church next week,inviting Michelle, then telling Michelle she needs to get baptizedwith him and started joking with her telling her to quit coffee,smoking and drinking. Needless to say it was in a joking funny manner,but I've never had any of my investigators tell another one to getbaptized!We were super stoked this week because we were given a newinvestigator to teach. His name is Steve and he is a membersboyfriend. He's met with the sisters before and came to church twice.They found out he lives in our area and handed him over to us with abaptismal date of June 5th! He's pretty solid and hilarious, we'vebeen his guide during church and priesthood meeting the past few weeksso we are stoked to teach him. He also has a great beard!While yes the week started off great with Buffalo Wild Wings it endedgreat talking to my family. For those of you who aren't my family,they are doing just great and they got a brand new refrigerator whichI'm pretty stoked about! Anyways me and Elder Mackay did a training atZone Training this week and we based it off Elder Oak's firstconference address in October of 1984 "Why do we serve?". It's one ofthe best talks I've ever read, especially if your a missionary. So Isuggest reading it if anyone's interested. Have a good week everyone!Stay safe out there and remember who you are!
This week was busy busy busy let me tell you that! Phoenix had a bigconcern about polygamy and some how, probably with the help of thespirit, we destroyed any concern he ever had. He's way excited to bebaptized and he's doing so well! As well as occasionally comingrunning with us in the morning, he came to half price wing Monday atTony's and he's feeding us this week! We are so excited for him to bebaptized so we can take him teaching with us all the time! He came tochurch again yesterday and was talking to a bunch of different peopleand went and sat with some members his age! We are so stoked for him!Carla is doing well too, sadly she couldn't make it to churchyesterday due to health reasons, so we will probably be pushing herdate back to be baptized the same day as Phoenix, May 21.This week we were able to pick up a few new less active to teach.One's name is Alsah, he's 19 and from Liberia. He's a massiveindividual and he's got these sweet dreads he's been growing out for awhile. He's just such a nice kid and he's interested in learning aboutthe Book of Mormon... It's funny because he doesn't even know he's amember, though he's been to the church before. We also picked upanother Liberian named Urias. He actually served a mission in Africaabout 10 years ago so he showed us all of his pictures and told us allabout his mission and how much he loved it. I guess he's justincredibly busy doing school and work right now that it's hard for himto get to church, but his testimony is still there!We had a sweet service opportunity on Saturday where we got tovolunteer at the Special Olympics track and field competition, but thebest part is what we got to do there! Brother Massimini's brother Philown's a hot dog trailer called Good Dogs, based of off Good Burgers,ya know like "welcome to good burgers, home of the good burgers, howmay I help you?" and he asked us to help him out! It was way fun beingable to watch all the special needs kids doing track and field eventswhile getting all the parents of the kids hot dogs and pretzels. Wewent through 300 pretzels and at least 300 hot dogs too! Let me tellyou they really are good dogs! We ate our share during the event toprovide nourishment for our young hard working missionary bodies. Thenafter the event we went to a members for dinner and lo and behold theyfed us hot dogs. So many hot dogs that day...Like I said it's been a really fun busy week! It's pretty crazy to methat Mother's Day is coming up this week, already my second timecalling home. Time does fly when your working hard and having fun! Amember made a sweet video of the temple being built and somethingpretty interesting is that the temple is being built pretty much assee level so essentially the foundation could possibly move and thetemple would wear down quick which we know is not how temples arebuilt. So they drilled deep down into the earth and attached hugemetal cables from the bedrock to the foundation of the temple. Howfirm a foundation right? Just as we need to have a firm foundationourselves. I hope it's a great week for you all, I know it will be agood one for me because I get to finish off my week by callinghome!:):):)1) GOOD DOGS2) us with Phil3&4) just a typical raid
April 25, 2016
As you can see above, this week had a lot of service, but I'll get to
that in a minute. We had a pretty sweet week. Carla and Phoenix both
came to church and they are doing really well! They should both be
baptized within the next month! We had a few sweet lessons this week,
especially a big one with Phoenix that got us past a pretty big
roadblock! Carla even fed us this week! We finally got to have a
lesson with this guy Lucious that Elder Johnson picked up as an
investigator right before he left. He read the restoration pamphlet
and pretty much taught us the entire thing and believes it's true!
Then Nyema came in and pretty much taught him about priesthood
authority, it was crazy sweet because I hardly had to teach! The less
we have to teach, the better they understand.
So this week Joshua's wife Ashley decided she wanted to buy a trailer
7 trailers down from the one they are in now! We volunteered our help
because we all know how much I love to get out of a shirt and tie! So
a small trailer move doesn't sound too hard right? Especially only
being 7 trailers down? But there was a catch! The old couple, Larry
and Mair needed help moving to their new double wide, 4 trailers down.
We were ready to tackle this and get them out quick, but lo and behold
they didn't pack a single thing! No boxes, just a buncha garbage bags
and loose items. This place looked like a decent candidate for
Hoarders. Anyways we moved pictures, frames, garbage, chairs, more
garbage and garbage. Oh and I don't think they cleaned once in the 30
years they have lived there, which was proven when we picked up a
couch and Elder Mackay's foot disappeared in a pile of dust! Even more
evidence was when I couldn't go 20 seconds without sneezing. It took
two days of moving to turn a new fresh double wide into another
hoarders home, there was hardly any room to walk! A few days later we
went back to help Ashley clean her "new" trailer. We found a bunch of
rotting in the wood walls and a ton of water stains on the ceiling
that had been spray painted to cover up the blemishes! There was even
mold growing out of the ceiling and on the windows. Luckily Ashley
hadn't signed anything or handed any money over yet, so Bro Massimini
and her dad talked her out of buying it. So while it may seem like it
was a big waste of time, we had a ton of fun and as Bro Massimini
says, we were BTRing (building a relationship of trust)!
We also got to do more service at the senior center, which was pretty
much just sweeping and moping a huge floor, and we helped Bro
Massimini clean out the Special Olympics shed to get ready for the big
track and field meet next week! It was fun doing a bunch of manual
labor this week, reminds me of all my time in Lehighton!
We had our last interviews with President Anderson this week. He
shined each elders shoes when they came in for their interviews. He's
such a good guy, I'll miss him a bunch. Well that's about it for this
week so I'll leave you with a nice scripture. Sister Anderson had a
Book of Mormon that each missionary marked their favorite scripture
in. Most of my favorites are pretty well known, but then I thought
about a scripture my Uncle Ken told me about at my farewell.
Alma 29:3 But behold, I am a man, and do sin in my wish; for I ought
to be content with the things which the Lord hath allotted unto me.
We need to just be thankful with what we've been given. Our Heavenly
Father has blessed us with so much and we should be happy with it.
Although we won't be perfect , we are perfect to him. I hope it's a
good week for you all!