Most the time when I say the week went by really fast, sometimes I'mjust exaggerating and trying to sound like every other missionary butthis week went REALLY fast. I can't believe it's already been a weeksince I called home for Mother's Day... but at the same time it feelslike it's been ages since I called home... what?I got sick AGAIN this week. What kind of garbage is this? I swear myimmune system takes too much vacation time. So I was down and out forabout a day and a half, but did you know if you actually rest and takethe right kind of medicine (s/o to Sister Bills, our mission nurse)you get better real quick! I feel like 98 bucks right now, and I'msure in the next few days I'll get those other two dollars back! Whileillnesses seem to slow us down, they don't stop the work. The big newsis, is that Antoinette got baptized! Elder Berry got to baptize her,what a good experience for a young missionary! She's great, and a fewyoung women came up to her and took pictures with her because theywere excited to get another young women in the group!!! Too bad she's21 though hahahaOther cool stuff, we taught a guy named Ebenezer and his sister, Love,this week. At the end of the lesson they said their uncle goes to ourchurch. Their uncle happens to be the high priest group leader and isessentially the ringleader of little Africa. Said ringleader also gaveus a referral for a family that we have a lesson setup with for thisweek! We also received an investigator who told us today he wants tojoin the church. We can help you with that buddy!We had our interviews with President Randall again this week. Thistime in the chapel across from the temple, so I made the most of thetrip and got Potbelly's for lunch at one of only two locations in themission, the other being good ole Bethlehem. Interviews were great! Wewere poking fun at each other because I've hit my goal weight for ourchallenge and he's 1/4 of the way to his. I tried to encourage him byreminding him he had 2 weeks left! After some more joking around helaughed and said "sorry about all he joking, your always just fun totalk to!" Thanks President! That statement kinda describes my mission.It's been fun, and maybe I should be sorry about all the joking andplaying around I do, but it's just too fun! After we left we foundthat some of my old Cherry Hill gang, including Elder Cristaldo, washanging out in the chapel for some special Spanish meeting. So I gotto laugh and joke about everything all the way to our train stations!Speaking of fun, one of my favorite days of the year passed by and Iwas completely engaged in one of the most important events of theyear, Bring Your Own Cup at 7-Eleven. I still reminisce about goingwith the guys back home to fill up some milk jugs with slurpee. Thisyear I brought a big ole water jug I miraculously had in the fridge.Yes, 101 oz of slurpee is a lot. Thank you for all the support yougive! Everything goes so quick and soon enough I won't even been ateenager anymore... but no worries, I'll still act like I'm one!!That's how it goes 'round here. Love you all!1) straight outta Africa (The shirts smell like Africa too)2) a wreck with a chocolate brownie cookie3) cherry hill squad!4) BYOC5) Antoinette's baptism!6) I happened upon this adorableness earlier this week and tookroughly 5 videos and many pictures of thembonus: here's one of the said videos!
May 15, 2017
Dang this week was cool. We had tons of stuff going on! Last Mondayfor pday we climbed up to the roof of an apartment building in Phillyand took some sick pictures. Tuesday we had zone conference which waspretty good, but by the time we got back to our area it was dinnertime so we went with the Petersons for a cheesesteak at Falone's! Itwas mighty good, then finished our night at our ward missioncorrelation meeting. Antoinette had her baptismal interview, so she'sall ready to go for her baptism, super stoked for that! We also hadanother good lesson with Solomon, he's such a good kid. What was waycool was when we headed over a few blocks to teach Clifford. He's theone we taught about a month ago with all his little cousins who wantedBooks of Mormon. When we walked in he was on the phone talking tosomeone named Desire, so I asked what Desire's last name was and hesaid he couldn't remember but they lived across from the school.That's literally where we just came from!! Haha he knows Desire andSolomon and all the other kids we teach in that house. I forget thesekids all go to school together, crazy! We had another lesson withPrincess, who is coming along so well! We taught the plan of salvationand she loved it. Especially the parts in 2 Nephi 2 when it explainsabout Adam and Eve in a more positive way. The scriptures areincredible, so it's so nice when your investigators will actuallyread!On Saturday I was on exchange with Elder Makuakane from the big islandof Hawaii! He's the man and he was so impressed that I liked to listento islander music and know a bunch about their culture. He told me Ineed to come to Hawaii with him one day, alright Elder Makuakane, youconvinced me! We went to the zone leaders wedding for their Africaninvestigators. It was supposed to start at 1 and the bride and groomdidn't show up until 3:30 hahaha we helped set up a bit and had to go.While on the exchange we got cheesesteaks at Carmen's which is a solid10 on my scale. We also got to teach a Haitian family with 5 boys,they were all so funny. Saturday was a downpour of rain, but we did apretty good job of staying dry.Sunday morning we rode the trolley in with one of our investigatorsand had a wonderful service, but I was distracted most the day becauseI was so excited to skype home. It's crazy that it is my last timeI'll call home on my mission. Me and Elder Makuakane were comparingour last call home to Elder Berry and Elder Yirena Tawiah's firstcalls home and it was so chill. I don't know about anyone else, but itwas wonderful to talk with my family about what makes a goodcheesesteak and talking about how much I'll miss Wawa, also trying toexplain how to use the word "jawn"! It was such a good time. I'm verythankful for the blessing my family is and the support that they giveme, I don't think i would have made it through the first 6 monthswithout their support! I hope you enjoy the many pictures and have awonderful week!1&2) philly and the crew2) cheesesteaks with the Peterson's3) cheesesteaks with the Makuakane4) 10/105) what a good view6) the Peterson's are leaving us this week:/ see ya guys7) the dogs are still okay, no worries everyone
May 7, 2017
I might let the pictures do the most talking this week... we had somesuper solid lessons though. Antoinette is gold, she came to churchthis week and starting today has Sundays completely off! So she canstay for all 3 hrs of church. Super pumped for her. I mentioned ournon-African investigator Princess last week. She read 7 chaptersbetween our first and second lesson! That never happens. As we wereteaching she stopped us and said her mother was about to walk in thedoor. Her mother was not too happy to see us. She said there'ssomething wrong with most religions and there's something wrong withours, but she can't put a finger on it. Nice. After her trying to quizus and me standing my ground she went outside. We finished the lessonwith Princess and at the end we invited her to pray. Her mom came inright before she started. Princess's prayer was solid! Which causedher mom to tell us how she's been trying to get princess to pray likethat her whole life? She told us to keep doing a good job helping outher daughter and she respected our dedication. A big shout out to thespirit for softening her heart! We also got to teach Solomon andDesire this week. They are a recent converts older siblings. They arein high school, but they are much more mature than their youngersiblings. So we times it right to where they would be the only oneshome and the lesson was so solid! Now we just need to get them tochurch!This week I realized how easy it is to make friends no matter whereyou are! If anyone knows my mom, you know that she can go into a storeto buy some bread and comes out chatting up a storm with othershopper. A few weeks ago we went to drop by a recent convert and somewhite lady next door noticed us knocking on her neighbors door andsaid she wasn't interested in Jehovah's Witness. I said we weren'tJehovah's Witness and we were just stopping by to see a member of ourchurch! We keep seeing her all the time and earlier this week sheasked us if we knew where a certain hospital is because she was havinga grandbaby. We looked it up on her iPad and she was on her way. A fewdays later we saw her and I asked how the grandbaby was and we spentthe next 15-20 minutes looking at pictures of him on her phone, hertelling us not to eat GMO's and to watch what kind of soil we use.Thanks! On Sunday I was on the train and the guy in front of me hadfishing poles. In the city? No way. I just simply asked him where theygo fishing and it turns out they live by us so for the next hour himand his boys talked to me about fishing, sports, video games andwhatever else 12 year old boys do. The fishing spot is right by ourapartment so hopefully we will get over there soon because the boystold me I should come fishing with them hahaha! Maybe both of theseexperiences I planted a seed and one day it will harvest. A lot ofpeople don't want to talk about religion at first, but most peoplelove talking about things they love and it's a super easy way to makeconnections wherever you go!I ate some solid cheesesteaks this week, and some interesting Africanfood. It wasn't my first experience with a chicken foot... but all inall just another good week here. As time goes on I feel likemissionary work is becoming so natural and it makes it harder to thinkof what to write, but I love it here! I might have to be dragged awayfrom philly if they ever make me leave! Have a wonderful weekeveryone!1) football in Philly2) when you want some frozen yogurt, but your broke, so you freeze yogurt3) what's up Gregory??4) saturdays lunch5) west philly6) dream car7) Saturday's dinner... it's a game of guess what's in the soup...8) the chestnut st. Missionaries
May 1, 2017
This week we were given our SEPTA passes for May and I thought it wasstrange because I didn't think May was very soon... looks like I'mwrong because I'll be swiping my May pass when we go play footballtoday. Whoa. Super cool week though, we found some awesome people andhad some fun times too! We taught this guy named Mohammed, who's aMuslim from Liberia. His aunt is a member and he was very willing tohave us come by and he was super excited about the Book of Mormon. Midlesson while reading from the Book of Mormon on my tablet he pulledout his phone and searched for the Book of Mormon app, downloaded itand accidentally hit play so it started reading the Book of Mormon tous and he couldn't figure out how to turn it off! So sick! We alsopicked up a couple from Liberia named James and Catherine, who were abible referral and then we also taught a girl named Princess who's NOTAfrican. That's a rarity around these parts. She was super cool!We kinda had a breakthrough lesson with some of our investigators thisweek. We are teaching a recent convert's, Momo (14), sisters. Theirnames are Desire (17) and Moshell (12). We realized a few weeks agothese lessons were trash if their wasn't a solid member there, sowe've been going the extra mile to get the YW presidency there forlessons. This week we had a solid lesson, but they always seem to wantto be baptized later. A thought popped in my mind as we were teachingand I told the story from Elder Uchtdorf's talk "Your Potential, YourPrivilege's". As I told the story they were so engaged and laughedabout it. It was cool to see how their opinion on getting baptizedchanged after we connected the dots from the story. Hopefully it willbe soon! Later in the week we dropped back by the home and we werejust visiting for a moment, when I started talking to Momo's olderbrother Solomon (17) about soccer. Thank goodness I played FIFA on myXbox so I knew enough to hold my own in the conversation! Anyways, webuilt that relationship then somehow related it to the gospel and weare going to teach him more this week!I got to have Elder Fowers come to P1 with me for an exchange. He'sbeen in Darby many times on his mission so it was extremely fun to runaround with someone who knew the area AND has been my companion. Italmost felt like we were just made companions again. We taught a fewlessons, ate food, talked to tons of people, ate more food and talkedto more people! One of my favorite parts was when we were walkingaround some row homes and we talked about how long we've been doingthis and how we are almost "professional", not even a minute later wewalk by a lady getting all this wedding stuff out of her car not toofar from Mazino's, my less active baller friend from Nigeria that Imentioned a week or two ago. I put two and two together, went out on alimb and said "are you Mazino's fiancé?". We helped her carry in thestuff and got to know her a bit. She's going to be busy for the nextmonth with the wedding but really wants us to come teach herafterwards because she likes the idea of being sealed for eternity andreally wants to learn more! It's awesome because I know God puts us inthe right place at the right time and gives us so many opportunities,but the real awesome part is when we are experienced and can seizethose gold opportunities! Professional eh? I mean I do wear a namebadge.Last week I mentioned how a recent convert named Emmanuel hooked us upwith all that food. This week we finished our lesson with him and hesaid "you guys can get in my car and I'll take you to get acheesesteak." What? Get this, it was an 18 inch long cheesesteak!!!Elder Berry and I split it and it was one of the few times I've feltcompletely full after a cheesesteak. Emmanuel was babysitting a kid inthe ward named Gregory, who's absolutely adorable, and I noticed thatmy cheesesteak compared to him in size. I handed him the cheesesteakand right as I took the picture he said "it's too heavy!". Picturesare to follow! We also dropped by a less active Sunday night and hewas grilling. African BBQ's are the most lit thing I've been to in along time!! Good food too! And we met another less active at the BBQwho really wants to come back to church, so sick! I love this place somuch. Lil' Africa has a big place in my heart. I hope you all have agreat week!1) rain in Africa2) Gregory!!!3) "it's too heavy"4) classic philly meal: cheesesteak and a birch beer5) I promise cheesesteak tastes much better than it looks!6) my mom wanted a picture of me wearing this new tie7) more cheesesteaks with the squad8) GO JAZZ!!!