Sunday, December 6, 2015

I'm Thankful for Chocolate Desserts

November 30, 2015

Only one Thanksgiving left on my mission, that sounds weird doesn't
it? This has been an interesting week to say the least, so as I say
most weeks, buckle up and get ready for a read!

Last Monday was honestly super fun! We went to Lowe's with Tom to get
some supplies to build a roof for his camper and helped him assemble
some of it in his garage, then Elder Stimpson said his last goodbye to
Tom which was kinda sad because I think they both almost started to
cry hahaha! Anyways afterwards we went to Jeff's with the Zone Leaders
and had a good ole time and Elder Stimpson said goodbye to Jeff and
Mary as well! We finished packing and headed out to the Bakers for
Family Home evening, the Uhlmans were there again so that was awesome
because it seems like they are making their way back to being really
active! We stayed overnight at our Zone Leaders apartment down in
Nazareth, which was pretty awesome!

Tuesday we woke up early and drove to Bro Brewer's house. He's in our
branch presidency, but he lives in Nazareth (not our area). He drove
us down to transfer meeting. Transfer meeting is awesome because you
get to see a bunch of missionaries and talk with em for an hour or so,
so I got to see a lot of the guys from the MTC. My new comp is Elder
Maynard, he's been out just a transfer longer than me and he's from
Bountiful, Utah. What are the odds haha? Afterward Bro Brewer took us
out to lunch with the Zone Leaders and it was some goooood food! He
got us pizza fries, which is just cheese fries with pizza sauce on it
and oh man! I took Elder Maynard around the rest of the day to meet
some people and we helped Daniel Baker teach a "fake" lesson to Isaac
Uhlman, who's less active. Daniel is prepping for a mission so we
thought it would be beneficial to him!

Wednesday we had district meeting, which was all about loving your
investigators, pretty decent concept if your actually going to help
out these people. Everyone was super busy getting ready for
Thanksgiving, so we couldn't see many people. We went to the Bakers to
help them with their Thanksgiving prep, which was awesome because I
got to bake some cupcakes and stuff and it made me miss my old bakery
job back home haha.

Thursday we went and did some finding in the morning, since we don't
have too many investigators. We ended up meeting the mayor of
Palmerton, which was pretty cool even though he wasn't interested. We
got a referral from Church HQ and the lady was a Mettanite, which is
like an Amish offshoot. She requested a bible and said we could come
back and share our message with her sometime so I'm pretty stoked to
go there! We went to the Kennedy's for Thanksgiving dinner, which was
super casual, like every meal we eat there. It was just Bro Kennedy,
Sis Kennedy and their daughter Kerry and we all sat on the couch
around the coffee table and ate our thanksgiving dinner. We headed out
to the Roeselers to eat with them, which was once again a small crowd!
We finished the night by stopping at the Bakers to eat their leftover
Thanksgiving dessert, especially the ones I baked!

Friday we went up to Tom's camper in the woods to help him out with
some things. The roof we built is awesome! He put it over his redneck
porch so he could sit under it in the rain and hunt! We came back home
and did our weekly planning, then had a lesson with Charles! Charles
is prepping to go to the temple and wants to go on a mission so we had
a awesome lesson with him and  cleared up some Word of Wisdom problems
he had. After some more weekly planning we went to stop by some
potentials which I wasn't too happy about  because I know after it
gets dark here no one wants their door to be knocked on. We weren't
successful at all, but we got back to Palmerton and we were walking
around and we met a lady who lives just across the street from us and
was interested in hearing our message, so we will be going there later

Saturday we started off by helping Lori do some stuff around the yard
to get ready for winter, she gave us a bottle of Mountain Dew Voltage
for a reward! The Kellar's called us and said they had a dessert they
didn't eat at Thanksgiving and they would meet us halfway to give it
to us. After picking that up we had our Coorelation meeting with Bro
Fegely, which was fun to be the lead missionary in the discussion! We
went out to Tom and Melanie's for dinner and we brought the dessert
from Kellars along. OH MAN WAS IT GOOD! It was a death by chocolate
trifle type thing and man oh man would my parents have loved that
thing! After dinner we went to go see more potentials, once again in
the dark, so after we irritated a few people I told Elder Maynard we
would walk up to the "Utah" part of Palmerton where all the houses are
decent sized and actually have yards. On the way up there we met a guy
outside of the hospital who said he had an emergency with his son, but
he'd love for us to come share a message with him sometime soon.

Sunday we had our good ole branch council, which once again was fun to
be the missionary everyone turned to when they had questions! We gave
talks in sacrament. Mine was all about member missionary work. There
was an article in the 2007 Ensign titled "How to be a Great Member
Missionary". Honestly it is great to read, whether you are at home or
on a mission. It will give you ideas of how to either work better as a
member or work with members. Church was great because Isaac Uhlman was
there and now he says he wants to go on a mission! Then 3rd hour was
combined and Pres. Relitz gave a great lesson on how to be self
reliant. One point was tithing, which I know some members needed to
hear. After church we stopped by the Grubers. Sis Gruber is active but
Bro Gruber isn't. He was upstairs having a jam sesh with one of his
buddies. They are super good at the guitar so it was fun to listen to
them and talk guitar with him! We finished off the night with dinner
at the Roeselers. They are going to be moving at the end of the month,
so soon we will be helping them pack up.

Well that's about it for this week. Things are going good here, it was
a little slow week because everyone was busy with Thanksgiving, but we
taught a ton of less actives this week! This Sunday we are going to
have a baptism for Casper so I'm super stoked about that! I hope you
all had a great Thanksgiving, and have a great week!

Elder Dylan Smith

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