All the missionaries know that Preach My Gospel says we need to teachwhen we find and find when we teach, but listen, we just got finishedplaying street ball out in the zone leaders part of reading and theypicked up two investigators just by us playing ball for like 3 hours!Anyways that was a good start to the week, next week we just have toball in our area!So this week I got to go on exchanges with Elder Laine, my Finnishfriend, once again! He was in my district back in Lehighton. We had asweet day, taught some solid lessons and went to an all you can eatwing Wednesday! We ate 80 wings together and tried the Thai Suicidesauce to finish it off. It was a mix of habanero, jalapeño, Cajun andCayan pepper! I've never cried so much in my life! I also got to gowith Elder Willson, who's a complete stud. He knows all the pastorsaround Reading and they hook it up with free stuff! We also got toteach someone named Chad Smith, super gnarly.We had our last zone conference with President and Sister Anderson.Man how our mission will miss them. I've never seen so manymissionaries crying at once. It was an awesome zone conference though,getting us geared up for the new mission president. I also got to seemy trainer Elder Stimpson for the first time since he got transferredso that was just peachy!To finish off the week we had Paul Vandi's baptism. The guy was soprepared! He was so excited for such a quiet guy. I got to baptizehim, which I thought was odd because he was referred to us by hisfriend who is a member, but I guess he prayed about it and wanted meto do it so I'm game especially because I have white pants thatactually fit me now! We are so excited for the growth of this ward.Paul wasn't even the first in the new Reading 1st ward to getbaptized. The other elders had a baptism Saturday and should havethree next Saturday! Crazy stuff out here!Last night we got to go to a members house for dinner, and they have aHUGE backyard, goes all the way back into the forest. They wanted totake us out there to see all the Lightning bugs, and man are thosecool. With so many of them out, the ground just looks like it'ssparkling, it's pretty cool! It's times like that when I just thinkhow great this earth is. Everything here has a purpose, even if it'sjust a bug that lights up so humans can be entertained. No way youcould look at this earth and not think about our Father in Heaven.Stoked for another week here, last week of the transfer so we will seewhat happens to us! Love you all!1) Stimpy!2) tryin to clean out the baptismal font with a homemade skimmer(thanks to Stockton Christensen for the genius idea!)3) Paul Vandi! I promise he's nicer than he looks in the picture!
June 6, 2016
Well this week was pretty crazy because I went on two exchanges out ofmy area! The first one was over to the south side of Reading with noneother than Elder Martinez! We just joke all the time that we will endup being companions by default because we've gone on at least 10exchanges with each other. We taught some good lessons and ate reallygood burritos so that was a thumbs up day! I then went to the southside of Reading again with Elder Thompson, a Spanish missionary. Soessentially the entire day I had no idea what was going on because Ichose to take French in high school! It was so odd, I was probablyless than a mile or two outside of my area, yet I felt like I was faraway in a distant Spanish land.So last week I wrote about Andrew and Vivian, the brother sister combothat came to church. We taught them this week and I've never seensomeone as stoked as Vivian was when we invited her to be baptized!She just yelled at the top of her lungs to everyone in the run downmotel "I'm gonna get baptized!" We also got a sweet member referralfrom someone who was in the Reading 2nd part of the ward, so we arealready loving this merge of the wards! Her name is Haja and she'sfrom Sierra Leone. The lesson went pretty well and we are stoked toteach her! I also had the opportunity to do a baptismal interview thisweek for a guy named Anthony. He's been married to his wife, who's amember, for 18 years. He's kinda been on and off investigating, buthe's consistently come to church to the point where people didn't evenknow he wasn't a member! Anyways after his daughter got baptizedsomething clicked in him and he realized he needed to be baptized. Hewas so solid too, but it just goes to show that you should never giveup on anyone with the gospel.Kinda a funny experience I had came on Saturday when we took Dontá outteaching with us. We called him the night before to come out most theday with us. I guess he was half asleep because when we picked him uphe was so bummed out that he agreed to come with us. He told us he hada date planned, a baseball practice and swimming with his friends andall that. As we drove our way out to our appointments he kept jokingwith us that we were holding him hostage from his fun day! So we justkept joking back and forth with him and finally I told him "watch, thegirl you were going to take on a date will probably get sick andwouldn't have been able to go anyways, your baseball practice won'thappen because it will rain and your boys won't be feeling the poolbecause of the rain too" and son of a gun guess what happened? Dontá'sdate's allergies got way bad, it started raining and he never gotinvited to the pool! Each thing that happened he just looked at mewith that "are you kidding?" kind of look. I think Dontá made theright choice coming out with us!I was thinking about it this week and if the age requirement formissionaries never changed then I would have just barely becomeeligible last week to serve a mission. I feel so blessed that I'vejust barely turned 19 and I've already been out over 9 months! Anywaysthank you to the people that wished me a happy birthday over the week,it was pretty cool to be across the country and still feel rememberedback home! Things are great here in Reading! My mom wanted somepictures of the area so I'll attach some so you can all see what abeautiful and sanitary place it is! I hope you all have an amazingweek!
May 30, 2016
Happy Memorial Day my friends! What a sweet day it is today because a)we get to think about those who served for our freedom b) we all getto play around and c) it's p-day as you all know! It's been a greatweek topped off with some crazy news on Sunday so I guess if you wantto know what it is you will actually have to read to the end! As faras our investigators go, they are doing GREAT! So we were able toteach Hendy and Bennesen, but they sadly didn't show for church. Samewith Paul, he had to work. D'Anthony did though! We found out he'smoving to New York though:( but he loved church! In a lesson with himthis week he took out his nose ring mid lesson because he didn'treally feel right wearing it anymore! We have a star recent convertnamed Dontá who comes out with us a bunch! He's 20 and he's superhood, he grew up in Philly! He's so dope and we got to spend a bunchof time with him teaching others and reading with him! I was sopumped!We picked up a couple new gators this week, Andrew and Vivian. Theyare a brother sister combo ages 20/18 and we are lucky to teach them!Last week Andrew called up the Reading 2nd elders and asked if hecould get a ride to church. He loved it and wanted to come back, sothe Reading 2nd elders referred him to us since he's in our area. Wegot in contact with him Saturday and he told us he wanted to come backto church and he was going to bring his sister! Well they came andthey loved it! Especially Vivian, she kept saying how she hasn't beento church in so long and how she wouldn't have thought to be theretoday! She even got up in the middle and moved towards the front ofthe congregation to see better!I got to go on a couple exchanges this week, which were pretty fun! Iwent down to Pottstown with Elder Kilcrease from Provo, who's lastcompanion was good ole Elder Johnson! It was awesome to reminisceabout the times we each spent with the guy and compare our times withhim! It was a sweet exchange, Elder Kilcrease came out one transferbefore me and he's such a good missionary! We taught an investigatorwith three members there and they took over the entire lesson,wouldn't even let us talk! So we got to joke about that all day, thenate dinner with a member, who is a body builder, and picked apart hisbrain for us to lose weight! Then I brought Elder Crowther, who's fromLayton, to my area! He's been out about 15 months so he's kinda gotthe ropes down and we had an awesome time. It was way fun to talkabout all the mutual friends we have back home!So the big news this week came with a 2 hour sacrament meeting withReading 1st and Reading 2nd! The stake presidency was there and wefound out that we are now one big ward! This ward is big! (Still alittle smaller than an average Utah ward) it's still called Reading1st, although I wish it was something cool like Mega Reading but ohwell. it's going to be really interesting working with the other partof the ward and the missionaries who were serving there, so the nextfew weeks will either be sweet or a headache. We also got to help amember put in a new hardwood floor, so I'm back in the renovationbusiness! In other big news, it's extremely hot, I'm always damp andsweaty now and once again I moved my bed into the living room.
Anyways I realize this email is getting lengthy so I'll end it with aquick testimony that I know this church is the one and only truechurch and I'm so happy to be a missionary working to help it grow! Ilove you all, have a great week!Address:906 Las Vegas Dr, Temple PA 19560Elder Dylan Smith